Political Action Committee
The Political Action Committee works to ensure voter empowerment through providing awareness, training, and programmatic support to ensure registration, education, administration, and election protection. The NAACP has developed a nonpartisan voter empowerment program designed to empower African American and people of color by increasing awareness and participation in the electoral process. The Political Action Committee will support the NAACP’s mission to ensure political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination, through implementing the following initiatives:
A series of voter education forums addressing DC Vote and ward specific issues
Issue focused political action notifications through social media usage
Local DC and Federal advocacy days and facilitating meetings with elected officials
Get Out The Vote (GOTV), voter registration and poll transportation
Partnering with local and national civic organizations to address pertinent issues
Informing the electorate of candidate views, to hold elected officials accountable.
The Committee shall be nonpartisan and shall not endorse candidates for public office.